Artist Statement
I am a digital painter. I make my artworks in the traditions of painting - but using computers and mobile devices.
My digital paintings are built up out of captured, appropriated, and AI images, collaged, combined, and operated on using such tools as glitch and blending apps, and digital filters and paintbrushes.
I am a visual storyteller. I create little stories around most of my images, suggesting larger stories; some of these only exist as titles - as potential stories. So my images are illustrations - though they are more than that, too.
The titles and stories are descriptions of the images that they belong to – though they are more than that, too. I assemble the stories, with their pictures, into books.
My images are printed on a variety of substrates, typically aluminum, wood, or canvas. I especially value the dialectic between the flatness of the pixel matrix of a digital image, and the simulation or even the fakery of apparent texture and depth in it; and finding a substrate material for an image that enhances this simulation is for me a natural extension of that dialectic.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
- Arthur C. Clarke